It is the most important element of the complex physiological process in the organism, providing for the food digestion and its uptake by the cells. According to the chicken stomach structure, the feed consumed by chickens must be of low volume, but be notable for its intensity. These principles provide for the basis of the feed production by the Moldovan – Dutch Joint Venture «PB-NORD» LLC.
The developed production technology and the high quality raw materials make it possible to obtain feeds that conform to the branch’s relevant standards. The feed composition developed by the company leading specialists is diversified and consists of natural products, the main share of which belongs to wheat, corn, soybean oil meal and vegetal oil. Depending on the poultry age group, five basic types of the various feeds are used.
The feed composition is being constantly improved, taking in account the achievements of the science of feeding, poultry’s nutrition physiology and biochemistry. The usage of high-quality, ecologically pure feed is the policy, which is pursued by the Joint Venture «PB-NORD» LLC.