Poultry farming is very popular in our country.
Indeed: is it bad to provide yourself with delicious chicken meet and eggs and to be sure of the ecological pureness of the product, which we consume almost every day?
But without a competent approach, the result could be not so good, as we would want it to be.
If eggs are planned to be the basic products from the poultry farming, than one should select the special egg laying breeds.
For this purpose, the German cross LOHMAN BROWN is just perfect.
If the emphasis is put on chicken meat, than the breed must be relevant; the leader in this respect is the French hybrid HUBBARD.
You can start breeding by buying the young flock or by breeding the young flock from eggs by yourself.
The first method is more expensive financially, while the second one requires more time and learning appropriate information.
Upon purchase of the young flock, you should conform to the correlation of male chicks / female chicks approx. 1 to 10. The lack of female chicks can be a constraint to the growth of poultry population.
If you purchase eggs, from which the young flock will be bred, you should take charge of an incubator.
The optimal temperature of the incubator should be 37-38 degree.
It is essential that the ventilation be foreseen in the incubator, otherwise eggs may «suffocate» and embryos will die.
Moist air is another indispensable condition for the normal development of eggs in the incubator.
For uniform heating, eggs must be overturned two-three times a day. This regime should be maintained within the first two weeks of the incubation period.
After 15-17 days, the temperature in the incubator is to be gradually decreased and at the same time the ventilation is to be enhanced.
The temperature of eggs is to be checked. After the hatching, chicks should be placed in a warm, well ventilated room.
Chicks should be regularly fed and their bedding should be changed. At the early age, chicks are sensitive to various types of infections that may be transmitted with manure.
Chicks must be prevented from contacting with mature male birds, since they can kill chicks.
After the chicks grow up, it is necessary to make a choice: to slaughter them now or to leave them for progeny reproduction.
Meat breeds must be slaughtered no later than at the age of one year.
Egg laying breeds demonstrate their best qualities at the age of one to two years, when they are more fertile and lay eggs best of all.
In spite of the seeming simplicity, poultry breeding is not a simple business. It is difficult to achieve good results, unless you know nuances.
In return, the benefit from poultry breeding is easily visible to the unaided eye: supply with meat and eggs, the quality of which is difficult to cast doubt on.
Meanwhile, the demand for homemade products is extremely high, of which one can state for sure that poultry farming is the absolutely profitable business.